Run ABC-SMC inference in parallel
model_list = list(),
model_def = NULL,
prior_dist = list(),
ss_obs = NA,
max_number_of_gen = 15,
nb_acc_prtcl_per_gen = 1000,
var_prtrbtn_krnl = NA,
var_prtrbtn_krnl_min = 0.01,
scaling_sd_prtrbtn_krnl = 1,
model_jump_prob = 0.1,
nb_threshold = 1,
new_threshold_quantile = 0.8,
distance_threshold_min = 0.01,
max_attempts = 1e+05,
acceptance_rate_min = 0.01,
use_lhs_for_first_iter = TRUE,
experiment_folderpath = "./",
on_cluster = FALSE,
cluster_type = NULL,
slurm_script_template =
"#!/bin/bash\n# THE FOLLOWING SECTION SHOULD NOT BE MODIFIED\n#SBATCH --job-name=job-array_%%A_%%a # nom du job\n#SBATCH --ntasks=1\n#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1\n#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread\n#SBATCH --time=24:00:00\n#SBATCH --array=%s-%s%%%d\noutput_fpath=%s\nerror_fpath=%s\n#SBATCH --output=$output_fpath/output_%%A_%%a.out\n#SBATCH --error=$error_fpath/error_%%A_%%a.out\nmkdir -p $output_fpath\nmkdir -p $error_fpath\nRscript %s $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID\n",
sge_script_template =
"#!/bin/bash\n#$ -S /bin/bash\n#$ -N subjob_abcsmc_prlll\n#$ -q \"short.q|long.q\"\n# THE FOLLOWING SECTION SHOULD NOT BE MODIFIED\n#$ -cwd\n#$ -V\n#$ -t %s-%s\n#$ -tc %d\n#$ -o /dev/null\n#$ -e /dev/null\noutput_fpath=%s\nerror_fpath=%s\nmkdir -p $output_fpath\nmkdir -p $error_fpath\nRscript %s $SGE_TASK_ID >$output_fpath/subjob.${SGE_TASK_ID}.out 2>$error_fpath/subjob.${SGE_TASK_ID}.err\n",
max_concurrent_jobs = 1,
previous_gens = NA,
previous_epsilons = NA,
verbose = FALSE
- model_list
a list linking model name ( character string) to associated function
- model_def
a R file containing only the model(s) function(s)
- prior_dist
a list linking model name (character string) to a list describing the prior distribution of each parameter to be estimated
- ss_obs
the observed summary statistics
- max_number_of_gen
the maximum number of generations to be performed
- nb_acc_prtcl_per_gen
the number of particles (per model, the total number corresponding to this number multiplied by the number of models) to be accepted during a generation before moving on to the next one
- var_prtrbtn_krnl
the standard deviation to be used for the perturbation kernel, if NA the empirical standard deviation will be used instead
- var_prtrbtn_krnl_min
the minimum standard deviation to be used for the perturbation kernel (must be greater than zero)
- scaling_sd_prtrbtn_krnl
scaling parameter for increasing or decreasing the value of the standard deviation used for the perturbation kernel
- model_jump_prob
probability of changing model when creating a new particle
- nb_threshold
number of thresholds used, corresponding to the number of distances returned by the function(s) stipulated in the model list (model_list)
- new_threshold_quantile
the quantile to be used to decrease the threshold(s) during iterations
- distance_threshold_min
the minimum threshold below which the procedure stops (in order to prevent excessively long computations)
- max_attempts
the maximum number of particles to be tested during an iteration, beyond which the procedure stops (in order to prevent excessively long computations)
- acceptance_rate_min
the acceptance rate below which the procedure stops (in order to prevent excessively long computations)
- use_lhs_for_first_iter
whether or not to use a LHS sampling method for the first iteration
- experiment_folderpath
the folder in which to carry out the estimation procedure and save the results
- on_cluster
whether or not the procedure is run on a computation cluster
- cluster_type
cluster type used (sge and slurm currently supported)
- slurm_script_template
script used to launch jobs on a slurm cluster
- sge_script_template
script used to launch jobs on a sge cluster
- max_concurrent_jobs
maximum number of jobs/tasks run in parallel
- previous_gens
an object (dataframe) containing previous results (set of iterations), in order to start from the last iteration performed
- previous_epsilons
an object (dataframe) containing previous results (set of thresholds), in order to start from the last iteration performed
- verbose
whether or not to display specific information
a list containing two dataframes corresponding to (1) the particles accepted and (2) the thresholds used, during the successive iterations
# model definition
compute_dist = function(x, ss_obs){
ss_sim = c( x[["alpha"]] + x[["beta"]] + rnorm(1,0,0.1),
x[["alpha"]] * x[["beta"]] + rnorm(1,0,0.1) ) # a simple toy model
dist = sum((ss_sim-ss_obs)^2)
MODEL_LIST <- list("m1" = compute_dist)
PRIOR_DIST <- list("m1" = list(c('alpha', 'unif', 0, 4),
c('beta', 'unif', 0, 1)))
# create a reference trajectory
sum_stat_obs = c(2.0,0.75)
# run abc smc procedure
res = abcsmc(model_list = MODEL_LIST, prior_dist = PRIOR_DIST,
ss_obs = sum_stat_obs, max_number_of_gen = 20, nb_acc_prtcl_per_gen = 2000,
new_threshold_quantile = 0.8, experiment_folderpath = "",
max_concurrent_jobs = 2, verbose = FALSE)
#> Warning: EOF within quoted string
#> Warning: EOF within quoted string
# get results and plots
all_accepted_particles = res$particles
all_thresholds = res$thresholds
plot_abcsmc_res(data = all_accepted_particles, prior = PRIOR_DIST, colorpal = "YlOrBr")
#> [1] "Number of generations exceed the threshold (15) allowed by ggpairs, it may cause long processing times. You may (re)define the iter argument to choose which generations to plot."
#> [1] "Plot saved as '.png'."
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
#> method from
#> ggplot2
plot_densityridges(data = all_accepted_particles, prior = PRIOR_DIST, colorpal = "YlOrBr")
#> [1] "Plot saved as '.png'."
plot_thresholds(data = all_thresholds, nb_threshold = 1, colorpal = "YlOrBr")
#> [1] "Plot saved as 'png'."