Resume an estimation using ABC-SMC
Create a reference trajectory
sum_stat_obs <- c(2.0, 0.75)
Run abc smc procedure
res <- abcsmc(model_list = model_list,
prior_dist = prior_dist,
ss_obs = sum_stat_obs,
max_number_of_gen = 10,
nb_acc_prtcl_per_gen = 2000,
new_threshold_quantile = 0.8,
experiment_folderpath = "rsmsmpl",
max_concurrent_jobs = 5,
verbose = FALSE)
Plot results
all_accepted_particles <- res$particles
all_thresholds <- res$thresholds
plot_abcsmc_res(data = all_accepted_particles, prior = prior_dist,
filename = "rsmsmpl/res/figs/rsmsmpl_pairplot_all.png", colorpal = "Greys")
#> [1] "Plot saved as '.png'."
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
#> method from
#> ggplot2
plot_densityridges(data = all_accepted_particles, prior = prior_dist,
filename = "rsmsmpl/res/figs/rsmsmpl_densityridges.png", colorpal = "Greys")
#> [1] "Plot saved as '.png'."
plot_thresholds(data = all_thresholds, nb_threshold = 1,
filename = "rsmsmpl/res/figs/rsmsmpl_thresholds.png", colorpal = "Greys")
#> [1] "Plot saved as 'png'."
Re-run abc smc procedure from last iteration of previous results
Be sure to update any parameters defining stopping conditions that
may have caused the previous procedure to terminate (here
res <- abcsmc(model_list = model_list,
prior_dist = prior_dist,
ss_obs = sum_stat_obs,
max_number_of_gen = 20,
nb_acc_prtcl_per_gen = 2000,
new_threshold_quantile = 0.8,
experiment_folderpath = "rsmsmpl",
max_concurrent_jobs = 5,
previous_gens = all_accepted_particles,
previous_epsilons = all_thresholds,
verbose = FALSE)
Plot new results
all_accepted_particles <- res$particles
all_thresholds <- res$thresholds
plot_abcsmc_res(data = all_accepted_particles, prior = prior_dist,
filename = "rsmsmpl/res/figs/rsmsmpl_pairplot_all_rsm.png", colorpal = "OrRd")
#> [1] "Number of generations exceed the threshold (15) allowed by ggpairs, it may cause long processing times. You may (re)define the iter argument to choose which generations to plot."
#> [1] "Plot saved as '.png'."
plot_densityridges(data = all_accepted_particles, prior = prior_dist,
filename = "rsmsmpl/res/figs/rsmsmpl_densityridges_rsm.png",
colorpal = "OrRd")
#> [1] "Plot saved as '.png'."
plot_thresholds(data = all_thresholds, nb_threshold = 1,
filename = "rsmsmpl/res/figs/rsmsmpl_thresholds_rsm.png", colorpal = "OrRd")
#> [1] "Plot saved as 'png'."